A downloadable game for Windows

A puzzle game  made for the United Game Jam 2020 within  48 hours. The theme was "Two".
Play as two robots trying to navigate their way out of a strange facility. Neither can work without the other, so two must act as one to escape!

The game was made by me and my other teammate, Gulnar13 within Godot. Everything besides the font was made by him and I. (More him code side, more me art side, but we both did code.)

While my teammate isn't new to programming, both of us have never released a game on itch before, have never done a game jam on here before and it is our first time using Godot for a project like this. So for the sake of the Jam, we are both beginners (with me being the less experienced of the two.)

Font used was Source Code Pro under the SIL Open Font License (OFL) 

I'm aware the game is a bit short, which was mainly due to getting used to the engine and making new level scenes being a bit more time consuming then expected. But I hope someone will have fun with this regardless!


TwoBot.zip 15 MB

Install instructions

Simply download it and unzip it to itself.

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